There’s Not Going to Be a 7th Question You Stupid Sluts.
We resume the session at the start of battle as we battle a hoard of spiders. We fight off the giant spider at the mouth of the cavern. Caulkin recognizes the spider as having a chilling cold that damages the person next to it as RC was taking damage. Pearl detects magic and locates an object in the room. Pearl sees the Fire Giant symbol on the item. We decided to head back towards Harshnag. Pearl identifies the items we have found so far:
Potion of Climbing -
Ornate Egg - Opal of the Illed Rune - Ari takes this
This is a wondrous item that required attunement. 3 inches on each side, 1 inch sick. It is slightly warm to the touch.
Necklace - Amulet of Proof of Detection and Location - Caulkin takes this
This has a symbol for abjuration
We climb the left set of stairs and ascend to the next floor. We see a large female cloud giant statue, who is not holding their hand out. We head up the hallway, which is similar to the one where we were crushed by the giant ball. Pearl pings a magic item and finds an icey appearing dagger. Pearl identifies it as the Shard of the Ise Rune. - Pearl Takes It.
[Time of Day 8:00 pm]
We return to the hall with the seven statues. Harshnag places the large greataxe in the hands of the Frost Giant Statue. At that point, the six runes around the archway begin glowing. Nothing else noticeable happens. Ari touches the rune and nothing happens.
Harshnag moves the levels both up, which opens the door to the outside. We decide to touch all of the times at one time to see what happens.
We touch the rules, and the only thing that happens is the Frost Rune glows a little brighter. We have Harshnag touch the frost rune. After that, the pink mist disappears. As that happens, rumbling happens and we see storm clouds ascend from the ceiling, rumbling with thunder and lightning. It seems to have opened the space into more than a mere cavern. Everyone but Brylwynn and Pearl look through the storm portal and notice something on the other end.
As we step into the room, our bodies feel light and almost like they lift. We feel our bodies get yanked forward for what feels like infinite moments. We enter a hexagonal chamber with 50’ walls with a 95’ apex in the middle. The six giants are represented and they all hold lanterns which are lit. In the middle of the room, Ari sees words written on the ground. It is made of ancient giant and ancient Dwarvish. Harshnag recognizes another rune which is the Kong King Rune, representing the All-Father.
Brylwynn reads the scripture with Harshnag which reads: “Ask your question and know the truth.”
She speaks that message and as she does, the lights glow louder and a booming voice echoes out. In giant it says, “You have entered the temple of Annam. Ask him a question and know truth.”
We ask, “What steps must we take to restore the unrest amongst the giants.” The voice responds, “You must first find the Storm Conch of the Storm Giant King Hekaton. Visit his court. Root out the evil therein.” One of the flames goes out.
We ask, “Where do we find and how do we access the court of King Hekaton?” The voice responds, “King’s Hekaton’s Conch will take you there. The path you choose here will lead you to it.”
We ask, “Where does this path begin and end?” The voice responds, “The path begins when you choose a giant Lord, and ends when you reach Maelstrom.” The third flame flickers out.
We ask, “What is the process of choosing a giant Lord and which would be the most helpful on our journey?” The voice responds, “I sense four relics dedicated to three lords. Present me tribute to one of the giant lords you choose to seek out to tether me to this realm and I will guide you to them! They will not just give you what you seek–for they too wish to climb higher than the other giant races. But if they cannot defeat small folk, they can never hope to rise!”
Ari pulls out the Frost Giant Warhorn but nothing happens. Ari pulls out the cracked horn. One of the hexagonal walls fades and becomes translucent. We see a great forest with great peaks reaching into the sky.
We ask, “Who at the court can we trust to help us, and how will we know the evil we need to root out when we found it?” The voice responds, “Speak to Serissa, his youngest daughter. She has a clue to her father’s whereabouts. The evil is hiding in plain sight, named Iymirith, in the guise of a storm giant.” The fifth flame flickers out.
We ask, “Is Laeral evil, does she wish us harm, and what does she want with Brylwynn?” the voice responds, “Laeral Silverhand is a daughter of Mistra and a daughter of and she is a beacon of good across all that is Faerun. She does not wish all of your harm, but pieces of you. I cannot speak about her personal machinations with you.”
With that, the last light goes out and the voice says, “The path before you is clear. You must find Kayalithica, leader of the Stone Giants. She has the conch you seek. Travel southeast overlands high and low, cross the great forest and great over the great forests. Search for the Dead Stone Cleft of the
Brylwynn feels a sense of calm over her, and she knows the way to the Deadstone Cleft. The oracle has given her the knowledge to find the giant and the conch that we seek.” The archway begins to rumble. RC knows the sense of the mountain all around him. Bahamut looks to RC and they feel the vibrations in the stone that feel unnatural, and then a “THUD.” Bahamut says, “That doesn’t feel very good.” No one else feels the rumbling of the mountain around them. We step back out into the archway. We see a large, blue dragon on the giant statue, staring down at all of us.